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Chinese translation for "at-risk group"


Related Translations:
risks:  风险
risk:  n.1.风险,危险;冒险。2.【保险】(损失的)风险(率);保险金额;被保险人,被保险物。短语和例子at all risks=at any [whatever] risk 无论冒什么危险,一定,无论如何。 at one's own risk 对可能发生的后果自己负责,自担风险。 at owner's[buyer's] risk 由所有人[购买者]负责。 at the ris
risk project risk:  风险项目风险
Example Sentences:
1.The protection of children , women , people with disabilities , and other at - risk groups
2.All the control group infants responded to the first or second name call at the age of one year , while 86 per cent in the at - risk group did
3.Medical researchers study disease mutations in the hope of finding simple ways to identify at - risk groups of people , as well as coming up with new ideas for preventing and treating the conditions related to these mutations [ see box on page 83 ]
有些医学研究人员钻研与这些疾病有关的突变,希望能找出?定危险族群的简单办法,并寻求预防和治疗这些疾病的新点子(请参见第95页昨日的基因,明日的医学) 。
4.Influenza vaccination is one of the effective means of preventing ordinary influenza and its complications . the scientific committee on vaccine preventable diseases of the centre for health protection recommends certain at - risk groups to receive influenza vaccination every year
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